If you need to kit yourself out with better camping gear, you need to check out the REI camp kitchen sale that’s going on right now. There are some huge discounts on all kinds of gear from cookware, stoves, to picnicking equipment, and coolers. It’s a fantastic way to save big with up to 55% to be saved. If you’re keen to see what’s out there, hit the button below to see which of the 100+ items are tempting for you. Alternatively, if you have no idea where to begin, we can help. Take a look at what we suggest before the sale ends soon.
What to shop for in the REI Camp Kitchen sale
The best camping gear can be pretty varied from tents to sleeping bags and simply cookware and cooking equipment. This sale focuses on those practical features you may not have considered after buying your tent. One underrated item is the . It usually costs $60 but you can buy it today for $27 thereby saving a huge 55%. The bundle comes with four 12-fluid-ounce coffee mugs, four 6-inch bowls, and four 10.5-inch dinner plates. Each are made from enamel-coated steel so they’ll last a long time.
If you need a new stove, check out the which is reduced to $150 from $200. It’s big enough to cook three dishes at once with its even-temp burners capable of radiating 28,000 BTU of cooking power equally across the three burners. There are two guards to help shield the burners and flame from the wind, while a push-button Instastart ignition provides automatic, matchless lighting. The steel cooktop is rust-resistant while there are removable chrome-plated pan supports to help with cleanup. It’s sure to be some of the best outdoor gear for your cooking needs.
For a small but important essential, check out the for $15. It’s 40% off as it would usually cost $25. It can be used either as a can/bottle cooler or as a 12-ounce beverage cup. It has an 18/8 stainless steel steel construction so it’s durable and great at protecting your drink from heat and light. There’s also a thermoplastic elastomer sleeve that lets you slide in a narrow bottle or thicker can with the same snug fit.
There are dozens of useful things in the REI Camp Kitchen sale with tiny extras like tongs right up to food, stoves, and pots and pans. Whatever you need to make your camping trip fantastic, the REI sale is likely to have it. Take a look at it now before the sale ends very soon.
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