Step away from Keurig deals and check out the extensive sale on Breville Espresso Machines that Best Buy is currently hosting. A dozen different models are in the sale with machines starting from $560 and with up to $300 to be saved on select models. If you’re keen to make the ultimate espresso at home or simply want to cut back on buying coffee while out and about so much, this is your chance. We suggest clicking the button below to see the full sale for yourself. If you want some advice on what to buy though, keep reading while we take you through our picks.
What to shop for in the Breville espresso machine sale
Featuring on our look at the best home espresso makers for someone who wants to invest in a high-end machine comes the which is currently $140 off so it’s down to $560 for a limited time. The espresso maker has a 15-bar Italian pump with a pressure gauge that efficiently monitors extraction pressure to ensure optimal results. It has a 25-shot capacity so you can easily serve up plenty of espresso while there’s a hot-water outlet and steam wand to add to the versatility. With preset 1 and 2-cup shot volumes and an advanced temperature mode, you’re always in control while you can even adjust the grind size dial for different brews.
If you want to spend more on one of the best coffee makers, check out the which is $1,200 reduced from $1,500. The machine offers step-by-step guidance with real-time feedback, precise extraction, and hands-free silky smooth microfoam. It has an Impress Puck system with intelligent dosing, auto-correction, and assisted 10kg tamping, while there’s an Auto MilQ feature that includes three new alternative milk settings and the option to calibrate the pressure, temperature, and timings.
That’s not forgetting the for $680 reduced from $850. It has 15 bars of pressure, a milk frother, and an integrated grinder. An intuitive LCD display and three-second heat up time all make it perfect for a busy lifestyle.
These are just some of the Breville Espresso Machines on sale at Best Buy right now. With up to $300 to be saved on select models and plenty of different options to check out, espresso fans really need to see what’s out there for themselves. Do so quickly with the sale likely to end soon.
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