If you have been thinking about planning a camping trip or already have one on your calendar, now is the perfect time to buy a new sleeping bag. Luckily for you, REI is having a huge sale on sleeping bags from brands such as Mountain Hardwear, Marmot, NEMO and Mammut. You can get up up to 56% off select styles to add to your tent during your next outdoor adventure.
Depending on your needs and preferences, you will be able to find a sleeping bag that is perfect for you. There are a wide variety of brands, colors and sizes to choose from so we are here to help you make the best decision. Keep reading to learn about our top picks to shop during this sale and click the button below to start browsing.
What you should buy during the REI sleeping bag sale
Before you start shopping, check out our guide to get you the right sleeping bag for your next camping trip. For those who love Mountain Hardwear gear, you can grab the Lamina Sleeping Bag for $233, the Bishop Pass GORE-TEX Sleeping Bag for $288 or the Phantom 0 Sleeping Bag for $510. If you prefer the Mammut brand or cheaper alternatives, they have options such as the Nordic OTI Winter Sleeping Bag for $115 and the Nordic Down Spring Sleeping Bag for $185.
Don’t forget to check out our list of the 10 best sleeping bags for backpacking and camping to help you make an informed decision. This sale includes option for both men and women and sizes that range from regular and large to extra long. Shop Marmot gear for less expensive sleeping bags including the Voyager 45 Sleeping Bag for $59, the NanoWave 55 Sleeping Bag for $59, the WarmCube Gallatin Sleeping Bag for $250 and the Trestles Elite Eco 30 Sleeping Bag for $134.
Once you purchase your new sleeping bag, make sure you pay attention to how to wash and care for your sleeping bag so it lasts for multiple seasons and years. Head to REI to grab a brand new sleeping bag for your upcoming camping trip for up to 56% off to make your camping experience that much better.
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