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7 delicious, portable, high-protein snacks that will support your weight loss goals

Discover some tasty and satiating snacks for weight loss

Man drinking protein shake
Karolina Grabowska / Pexels

Eating optimal amounts of protein daily can benefit your health in many ways. For example, high-protein snacks and meals can help replenish and reduce overall calorie intake, which, in turn, can promote a healthy body weight. 

High protein snacks and meals have also been associated with the improvement of the composition of the body, bone health, and heart disease risk factors. 

If you intend to boost your protein intake while keeping a healthy calorie profile, you should include at least one source of protein at every meal and snack and pair it with low-calorie and high-fiber foods. 

Fortunately, there are several high-protein snacks and foods that you can eat alone or pair with other nutritious foods to support your weight loss. But what are they?

What snacks are good for weight loss?

Cottage cheese and berries.
DraCat / Pixabay

There are varying research results regarding the connection between snacking and weight loss. However, research reveals that increasing your meal frequency through snacking can help you manage hunger and improve blood sugar regulation.

While there is no proof that one snack could lead to weight loss, some snacks could help to promote weight loss as part of an overall healthy eating pattern. They include the following:

  • Red bell pepper with guacamole: Red bell peppers have high constituents of antioxidants. Guacamole is also rich in nutrients and minerals.
  • Greek yogurt and mixed berries: Greek yogurt has high protein constituents, and berries are the best source of antioxidants.
  • Apple slices with peanut butter: Apples are rich in fiber. Meanwhile, peanuts are good sources of healthy fats, plant-based protein, and fiber.
  • Cottage cheese and fruit: Cottage cheese delivers 25 grams of protein in just one cup, and pairing it with nutrient-dense fruit makes it the perfect snack. 
  • Celery sticks with cream cheese: Celery sticks with cream cheese are an excellent low-carb snack that can keep you full.

How does protein promote weight loss?

Beef jerky.
Brent Hofacker / Shutterstock

Increasing your protein intake could help with weight loss by regulating certain hormones and helping you feel fuller longer, among other benefits. 

Protein also changes the levels of several weight-regulating hormones. Note that your brain regulates your weight through the hypothalamus. Hormones are responsible for sending signals to the brain in response to changes in feeding. 

Appetite-reducing hormones, such as GLP-1, peptide YY, and cholecystokinin, are increased by a higher protein intake. By replacing carbs and fats with protein, we tend to reduce the hunger hormone and boost several appetite-reducing hormones. This, in turn, reduces hunger, which is the main reason protein helps one lose weight. It can make one eat fewer calories automatically.

Conclusively, the levels of hunger hormones such as ghrelin are reduced by protein while boosting the appetite-reducing hormones

7 easy high-protein foods to snack on

Hardboiled egg on toast.
Jane Doan / Pexels

Protein shakes

Protein has been shown to reduce hunger and appetite. The main reason is that protein helps one feel fuller. This is due to hormones like GLP-1 and PYY.

A high-protein diet, especially when combined with strength training, is a good combination for muscle-building. Enjoy a protein shake within a few hours after your lifting sessions to improve the efficiency of gaining muscle.

Protein bars

Protein bars are nutritious but compact snacks. They have become a staple for many people with busy schedules.

Protein bars can serve as a source of nourishment for nearly everyone, including athletes and professionals. Try to find bars that have at least 15 grams of protein and 10 or fewer grams of added sugar.

Hardboiled eggs

Hardboiled eggs are tasty, filling, and healthy snacks for all ages that are easy enough to prepare. Eggs, along with milk, contain the highest biological standards for protein. One egg contains about 77 calories, six grams of high-quality protein, and 1.6 grams of saturated fat. It also contains other vital nutrients like minerals, carotenoids, and iron.

Cheese sticks

Cheese sticks are one of the best high protein snacks, and they are affordable and easy to grab. Whether you are at home, at work, or on the road, you can quickly enjoy a cheese stick when you need a protein boost. They can also pair well with various fruits or whole-grain crackers. 

Canned tuna

Tuna ranges in size from the small skipjack tuna to the large bluefin, one of the most widely eaten fish globally. Tuna is eaten either fresh or raw or cooked and canned, which is always pre-cooked.

Canned tuna is one of the most efficient ways to get in some extra protein, with one can averaging between 20 and 30 grams of protein while being 150 calories or less. Enjoy it on its own or on crackers or rice cakes.

Beef jerky

Beef jerky is beef that has most of the fats removed and is either cut into strips or chopped fine and formed into strips. It is then marinated or flavored with a mixture of seasonings and salt. After that, it is then dehydrated and packaged.

Beef jerky can be a tasty way to up your protein intake for the day, especially since it is so portable. Just be mindful that a serving contains a lot of sodium, and that may not be suitable for some people.

Greek yogurt

Greek yogurt is a thick, creamy yogurt that adds flavor and texture to food. Greek yogurt is beneficial since regular consumption has the potential to boost bone health, build muscle mass, and lower the risk of certain health conditions.

Greek yogurt differs from others since it goes through a process called straining to remove the whey. Whey is a liquid that contains lactose, a natural sugar in milk.

How much protein should be in a snack?

High angle view o canned tune halfway open
Michelle Lee Photography / Shutterstock

Knowing the ideal protein intake is a great way to keep your energy levels steady and support your training goals because protein is an important part of any diet.

Everyone has different needs when it comes to protein intake, and the more active you are, the more you need. This is especially true if you exercise regularly with the intention of building muscle.

Someone who is not active should aim for 10 to 20 grams of protein in a snack, while someone who is active will want more like 25 to 35 grams.

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Christine VanDoren
Christine is a certified personal trainer and nutritionist with an undergraduate degree from Missouri State University. Her…
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